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Category Study Mandarin

Gap Year in China – A Letter from a Mother

MEMO from a Gap Year MOM By Susan Moeller [tooltip gravity=”nw” txtcolor=”#1e73be” text=”Tips”]Take it from this gap-year mom, it works[/tooltip] [quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”]Yes, you should be ready for surprises. Perhaps your veterinary student will discover she faints at the sight of…

Princess Catharina-Amalia is learning Chinese Mandarin, You Know You Should Too

Still not convinced why you should be learning Chinese Language? Or you are still procrastinating on coming to learn Chinese in China? For your information, Princess Catharina-Amalia, Dutch royalty, and heir to King Willem-Alexander’s throne will begin her Mandarin Chinese…

9 Types of Apps International Students download before Coming to Learn Chinese in China

When you’re visiting China for fun, you’ll probably have different plans than if you are here on an internship or to learn Chinese in China.  Firstly, the length of your trip might be shorter–from a few days to a few…

How to Make a Good First Impression—Chinese Style!

In every culture there’s a set of rules, or etiquette, that we know we need to follow in business dealings and professional situations.  However, what you might have grown up seeing and knowing might not apply in China where the…